And fun. I mean, this is what I have loved. I want to be submissive, I want my partner to control me, to use me. When he isn't tying me up I feel like something is wrong and a bit lost.
I know, I know. I am a sick puppy. I can't feel normal unless I know I am being abused and mistreated and restrained and used in some way.
The one thing that changed a bit was a sort of bracket bondage device that Jason got. I've been locked in devices of one sort or another many times. This one was a bit new. It had a sort of flat base where it rests on the ground, then a post in the back. There are two cuffs on the side of the post. My ankles go there.
Then from the post is a metal arm sticking forward. There are two metal cuffs on that, both rather loose. They have latches but frankly they don't need it given the position of the victim (me). The real thing that makes it inescapable is at the far end of the metal arm. Another metal loop, a collar.
The first evening I saw this, Jason took me into the play room and it was on the floor. He had set it up earlier in the evening.
"Siobhan, this is where you will be spending the night tonight."
"Yes, sir," I said. I wasn't happy about spending an entire night bracketed in something, it can cause cramping and loss of sleep, which impacts my job. On the other hand, it is my role in the marriage and I am obedient.

"Arms behind you," Jason instructed. He pulled my arms up, which created a mild strappado position with elbows close to each other and held in place with the brackets. At this point I was fairly secure, though the elbow and wrist cuffs were rather loose and with some struggling I probably could have gotten out.
Except then... Jason grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. The last piece slipped around my neck and clicked shut. That did it. Unable to move forward or back because of the stiff, unyielding position of my neck, the other restraints were inescapable.
"Am I to remain here all night, sir?" I asked.
"Yes. Tonight, and every night. I am instituting a new regimen of discipline to help you learn complete, unquestioning obedience. When you truly accept your position and owned property then we may move to another arrangement."
"Yes sir." I said.

All night. Unable to move. Certainly not the first time, but it doesn't make it any easier. The thing that really got me was the collar, which held my head up off the ground and back slightly. I simply could not sleep in that position. If I relaxed too much the weight of my head pushed down on the collar and I choked. Not badly, but enough to keep me from sleeping.
The next day was hard. No sleep makes me a grouch and I chewed out a couple of people at work for reconfiguring some network security parameters without announcing to users. I got home and fixed dinner (naked, of course). It was burned because I was dead on my feet.
Jason punished me for the burned dinner. I have a leg and wrist spreader that does a remarkably effective job of keeping me immobile with my ass up, and he locked me in there and caned me. Twelve strokes. Painful, leaving some nasty welts.
An hour later I was in the bracket again for the night.

Then came Saturday, roughly 5 pm.
I was naked and standing in the waiting displayed position. That's a pedestal in the bedroom. When I am not needed Jason will sometimes tell me to wait there. My wrists were cuffed behind my back and I simply stood and waited. It's unpleasant because I have to stand and the pedestal is small, not allowing much movement. You should try it sometime-- just stand in one place, not moving your feet anywhere, for a half hour and see how tired your body becomes.
Of course, I was also in five inch heels (my only clothing), which made it harder to stand in one place for a long time.
The doorbell rang, which sent a chill through my stomach. That's a new reaction, but since the last couple of times Jason has had friends over, I have become afraid of visitors.
There were a couple of voices in the living room. I stayed in my waiting position. A few minutes later Jason came in and silently blindfolded me, then led me out of the room. It was a relief to be able to move and walk, but I was scared.

The rape from a week before, combined with the fact these guys were here specifically to see and interact with me, made me scared to death. I think I began shaking.
"Knees, Siobhan," barked Jason. I sank to my knees (wrists still cuffed behind me). "Mouth open!"
I opened my mouth, not knowing what would be inserted into it. I couldn't see anything or anyone though I could hear them talking. Mostly about me. My knees were kicked wider apart so the men could see my cunt more easily. I kept my mouth open in an O.
Someone stuck fingers inside my mouth, running them around, checking my teeth as if I were a horse. They were then shoved deeper inside, pressing on the back of my tongue and I gagged, but managed to keep my mouth open as instructed. I felt a strand of stringy slime following the fingers and dripping over my chin when they were removed.
They were warming me up. I knew what was coming, it had happened a week before when I had been raped by one of his buddies and there had been absolutely nothing I could do about it.
"Let's get to it, then," Jason said, laughing as he fondled one of my breasts. He pushed me down until my head and stomach were on the floor, kicked my legs apart and barked, "Knees!"
I pulled my knees up under my hips, which had the effect of pushing my ass up in the air. Fingers invaded my cunt as Jason began working with my wrists and ankles. He unlocked my wrists and pushed my arms underneath and back between my legs on the floor.
As soon as I felt the cold metal touch me I knew what was coming.
I wasn't gagged (yet) and I felt like I had to say something. "Jason, I don't want to be passed around with your friends."
He ignored me, and I felt the cold steel pressing against my ankles and wrists simultaneously. He was placing me in the punishment spreader, a metal bar that spread my ankles out about three feet wide. This was combined with securing my wrists in the middle. The position shoved my ass up in the air, and completely disabled me. I couldn't even crawl in that position.
"Please, Jason. I am your slave, not theirs. I don't know these guys." It was true, too. I didn't recognize any of their voices.
He pulled my blindfold off and said, "Take a look. Now you know them."
I looked around at a set of guys I didn't know. Five of them, plus Jason. My stomach was tied in knots, cramps, butterflies, and I think I was still drooling from the fingers and hadn't bothered to try and stop it. I literally could not do anything but lay there with my head on the floor and my ass up in the air, legs spread.
"Let me get her warmed up for you," Jason said.
"Awww, the bitch doesn't like it," said one of the men, a balding short guy that looked like the CEO where I worked.
"She's going to put a damper on this with all her whining. Let me take care of this," Jason said. He shoved a ball gag in my mouth, one of the big ones, and buckled it behind my head.
"Obedience, Siobhan," Jason whispered in my ear as he grabbed my head and tilted me back so I was sitting on my ass, back resting on his chest. My arms and legs were pulled up in front of me, and my cunt exposed for the other men to see. One of those men was already undoing his pants and taking out his cock, stroking it.
Jason held me from behind and massaged my pussy. It felt good, I have a very sensitive clit and pussy and it doesn't take much to get me off. In spite of the situation I moaned and leaned my head back on him as he rubbed, starting off slow and making circles.
"Hahahaha... she likes that though, Matt," one of the men said to another. "Look, it's shiny down there, think she's getting wet."
A couple of the men knelt down to get a better look at where Jason was rubbing me.
I can't help it. Bondage and humiliation gets me off. I was bound and bracketed, unable to move or do anything, and was being used. It got me off. I was aroused, getting wet. Moaning. I didn't want these guys to rape me, but then this was an incredibly hot scene and Jason was forcing me to become aroused in it.
"Who goes first? Want her on her back, or on her knees?" Jason had warmed me up enough.

"I wanna go," said a short, dark, hairy guy. He already had his cock out and it was hard. "On her back. I wanna see her face."
I closed my eyes. Jason attached a rope hanging from an eye bolt in the ceiling and lifted my spreader bracket up into the air, getting my feet out of the way of my cunt. I tipped over onto my back (not much I could do about that, it just happened).
Dark hairy guy licked his fingers and shoved them in my pussy, then followed with his cock. I moaned, shook my head and closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at him.
Some of the guys took chairs and exposed themselves, stroking hard cocks, and a couple stood near to where I was getting banged by the dark hairy one. He was pounding really hard, but the rope on my spreader bracket kept my legs and arms in the air and my body relatively stable. When he finished he pulled out and sprayed it all over my stomach.
"Fuck.... fuck.... she's good... dammit I liked that, Jason. Your slave is a fine fuck."
"Next?" Jason asked. Bald guy stood. He had removed his pants and was naked from the waist down.
Bald guy was overweight and had a big fat stomach. He knelt below me, and tried to get his cock in but his stomach got in the way. I closed my eyes once again to pretend I was somewhere else until Jason undid the rope and grabbed the bracket, tipping me over so I was on my knees instead of my back.
Fat bald guy was able to get inside me then and he pounded away, my head jerking and bouncing on the carpet where it lay. This was only the second guy and I was getting sore already. I felt his balls slapping my clit and his stomach slapping the top of my ass as he took me violently.
Fat guy came inside me and the way he was huffing and puffing I thought he was going to die of a heart attack.
"Can I take her in the ass?" Said the third guy. He was a tall, skinny, ugly guy.
"Yes, That's an extra $20," Jason said.
"No problem," skinny ugly said.
Ball gag make it harder to be understood and muffle speech somewhat, but they don't stop you. At hearing what Jason said, I cried out, "Mffoooo aaatth theeellling meee???" It was messed up, but Jason could understand ball gag speech. He knew very well I had asked, "you are selling me???"

Tears were flowing now and I was looking at Jason standing and watching skinny ugly has he shoved and grunted his way to orgasm inside my ass.
Thank god it didn't take him long or I think I would have gotten a prolapse or started bleeding badly. When he was ready to cum, skinny ugly pulled out and moved to where my face was laying on the carpet and jerked off on my head. Gobs of cum slid down my face onto the carpet. I lay quietly and let the guy have his orgasm at my expense, staring blankly ahead of me.
"Thathon. Ooo thon't geth thooo thell meee." I said through the gag. "Jason, you don't get to sell me."

I growled at Jason. "No, Jason. Stop this now. I am not OK with this."
There was a flash of light. The other men were taking videos or still pictures with their phones. I turned my head away. My head was the only part of my body I had control over.
"Don't make me gag you with duct tape, Siobhan," Jason said.
I was no longer nervous. I was no longer scared. I was terrified, and angry, and sad, and my world was crashing. I was Jason's submissive. I was owned by him. I had devoted my life to him, and made a promise to let him do whatever her pleased. It was my duty to accept this. It was part of my chosen lifestyle. It was fundamental to what I wanted.

Tears were flowing down my face, I was sobbing. I love Jason. I love him so much, he has been the one person in my life that has given me everything that I need. Not just want. Need. I need to be restrained, bound, humiliated, suffering, used for someone else's pleasure. I can't imagine not being that way.
Ratty guy was getting close, I could tell. It wasn't easy for him, he had to work at it, finding just the right way to use my body for his maximum stimulation, but he was getting there. He finally made a small gasping noise and I could feel his cum flooding out of my pussy and down, dripping onto the floor. He had not cum deeply inside, in fact he might have only had the head of his cock inside me.
"Don't... don't make me do this, Jason," I pleaded.

"Oh, her cunt for sure, but let her drain some of Pedro's cum out first."
I looked up at Jason and said it.
The safe word.
OK, it actually sounded like "Thithorthe".
Jason looked at me, his head tilted sideways. "Did you just say what I think you said?"
"Thithorthe!!" I called out from behind the gag.
Jason knelt beside me, holding off the last guy, Farley I guess was his name. God, I would never willingly fuck a guy named Farley...
He undid my ball gag. "Say that again?"
"I want a divorce," I said, sobbing.

Farley protested. "Wait a minute. I paid my hundred bucks, just like those guys, I want my share of--"
"Put it back in your pants, Farley. I will give you your money back. Now get out."
After more grumbling and swearing, all the guys left and Jason unshackled me from the spreader bar.
"OK," he said.
"I'm sorry, Jason, I just... just... I can't take it having you just ... give me to other guys. I begged you, tried to tell you."
"Save it Siobhan. You know the deal. You were my property to do with as I pleased. Until you invoked the safe word. As of right now, we are no longer married, you are a free woman. I no longer hold any authority over you."
He lifted my chin to look up at him. "Nor do I want to. Go upstairs. You can sleep in the guest bedroom tonight. Pack your things and be out by Sunday afternoon at 6 pm."
Sobbing I went upstairs, took a shower to wash off the semen of four strange men, got dressed inside the house for the first time in several weeks, and went to the guest bedroom.

I am in a hotel now, trying to figure out what to do. I've been crying non-stop, almost, for those two days. I didn't want to leave Jason. I want Jason. That's the point. I would do anything for him, except... be with someone else. Subject myself to other men. Especially... not be sold to other men.
I am lost, completely. My home with Jason had been a known, secure place that was my life. Even if I was bound, punished, used, suffering, the abuse and suffering was because I chose it and it was what I wanted.
Now what do I do?