I won't say how old I was, for a variety of reasons. Let's just say I started early, just as my experimentation with bondage started quite early. Dildos, both official and makeshift, had been a part of my life for a while, so there wasn't any physical change from the experience. My vagina was ready for a man long before a man entered my vagina. Nevertheless, I will always remember the experiences leading up to and the actual act with fondness and a wry smile.
My parents would visit my grandparents (my mother's parents) once every couple of weeks or so. My uncle lived quite close by. Their homes were on the side of a low hill covered with a mix of trees and empty fields, out in the country. My uncle had three sons, and one of them was my age. Kevin and I were friends since I could crawl. We would fight, play, and just generally have a lot of fun whenever we got together.
At this time in my life (before I had a license and could drive), I would become bored and go out to hike on the hill and around the fields. I loved discovering wildflowers, climbing trees and exploring, though I avoided the white boxes of the bee farm that someone kept on the base of the south side of the hill.
When my cousin was home, we would go out hiking together. My parents never gave this a second thought. Kevin was family, and we had been playing together forever. Where normally I would have been watched if I were with a boyfriend and kept close, exploring and playing with Kevin was never an issue. So after I hit puberty, began playing with bondage, and seeking any chance I could to explore what boys and girls were like as sensual beings, Kevin was just there-- a tall, pretty good looking guy that I liked and had always shared things with.
On the other side of the hill from my grandparent's house was a shack. I have no idea what it had been used for. It wasn't a house; it was a single room thing made of wood planks with a single door and a single window. It was probably used for storage years before when the area had been farmed or ranched. It had been standing empty for years.
It became a favorite place for me and Kevin to visit during our outings.
Kevin was less experienced than I was when it came to sex, and he began asking me about it one day when we were sitting inside the shack. He knew I had had boyfriends, casually, just guys I hung out with.
"Sure. Whenever I can. It's fun." I answered.
"Like... tongue kisses? French ones?"
I laughed. "Kev, that's the only kind I have with a boy. Regular kisses are for, like... grandma. If you kiss a boy, it's a tongue kiss."
"I kiss Jenny. But she won't let me hold her or really kiss her deep." (Jenny was some girl that lived nearby that he was trying to date).
I could tell what Kevin was thinking. I strung him out for a while, but finally asked. "You want to practice with me? Kissing, I mean? Like, really kissing?"
His face went red and then he grinned. "I thought you would never offer! It's not like we are doing it for real or anything, I just think it would be cool to see what it is like. Maybe practice."
I shuffled over to him. I was wearing tight jeans and a plaid shirt that hid my bust but hinted at my shape. He was a good foot taller than I was, so I reached my arms up and propped them on his shoulders kind of sexy, and pressed my body against him slightly, just enough so he caught a hint of what was under my shirt. I shook my long dark hair back and looked up at him, waiting. He hesitated a moment, suddenly shy with his cousin, but I didn't move. My face was only about a foot away from his and I licking my lips, demanding he make his move.

That first kiss between us lasted about a minute, but seemed like forever. It was really, really good. Kevin knew how to kiss; I don't know if he had been lying to me just to get me intimate with him or if he was just a naturally good kisser. Didn't matter, his tongue penetrated my mouth and played with mine passionately.
When we broke, there was a moment of silence and then we both backed away, aware that we had maybe enjoyed that a little more than we were supposed to. He thanked me, told me I was an amazing kisser and we started talking about other things. It was a bit awkward, and we soon left the shack and hiked around the old covered reservoir at the top of the hill and then back to my grandmothers.
On the way I shared some of my sexual experiences with him. Yes, I was still a virgin, but had made out with boys and was getting more and more active in self bondage. I actually told him about it. He was amazed.
"That is so fucking hot. You really like being tied up, huh?"
"Yeah. I have no idea why. It turns me on like nothing else. I like the feeling of being helpless. I like the feeling of being restricted. I just wish I had someone that would do it with me because in the back of my mind I always know there is some way I have left myself to get loose, so I am never truly helpless."
"Aren't you afraid of getting trapped? Or of someone finding you that way?"
I laughed. "Oh, yeah. Well, the second time I ever did it I actually did get stuck and Mom and Dad almost came home before I got the ropes cut off. After that I have always made sure I had a way out."
He was quiet for a while, and when we got back to my grandmothers house, he said he had to get back home and took off. It was three weeks before I saw him again.
When we did see each other again, he predictably said he wanted to go for another hike around the hill. I said I wanted to see if the Johnny-Jump-Ups were out and pick some (my favorite wild flower). We headed off around the south side of the hill and when we got to the shack we went in and sat down. He pulled out some weed and we smoked a little. I didn't get high that often back then, and it was nice.
Before long Kevin kissed me again, much more confidently. I have to say, I enjoyed it and kissed him back. He pushed me down on the floor and our legs intertwined, bodies pressed against each other. His right hand slipped under my top and found my breast, shoving my bra up. It felt really good to have his hand on my bare flesh and I moaned to encourage him on. He played with my nipple for a while as we kissed, and then I sat up, and took my top off.
We sat facing each other and he reached out and touched my breasts. This was as far as I had gone with any boy, and I think I did it because I trusted and liked Kevin more than any other guy I had ever made out with. He was fascinated by my boobs, and liked how my nipples hardened as he touched.
"God, Siobhan you are the hottest girl I know," he said thickly. I knew I was good looking, and prided myself on being slim but still having good breasts.
"Thanks, Kev. You are pretty hot as well." I leaned over and kissed him again, deeply, as he caressed my naked flesh.
We broke after a moment, and he stood up suddenly. "I have something. If you want. I mean, I thought you might like to try something. Here."
He went over to the corner of the shed by the window and came back with two long pieces of cotton rope in his hands. He looked really nervous, and just stood in front of me.
"You want to tie me up?" I said with a slightly shocked voice.
"Well, no. I mean, not me. You seemed like, you maybe wanted someone. And you have done a lot for me, like, kissing me and showing me your boobs and stuff. I thought you would like it, but if not..." He turned, embarrassed.
"NO! Kevin, no, I just didn't expect it. This is like... a dream come true. I never even thought about it, but... would you?" I looked at him hopefully.
"Sure. Yeah, I think it would be fun. Let's do it!"
I stood. I was still naked from the waist up, but had my jeans and shoes on. He looked at me and his eyes widened as he saw my breasts standing out from my chest. They are perky breasts, if I do say so myself.
We worked out that he would tie my ankles together first, which he did with my help. I showed him a good knot which was secure but could be undone quickly. Then, he tied my wrists in front of me with the longer stretch of rope. I could already feel the pleasure rippling through my body from having someone tie me up; the feeling of helplessness and submission was such an adrenalin rush it was like I was getting high. Kevin seemed to enjoy it as well.
Once I was tied up I struggled a little to get free. With my help Kevin had tied some good knots, and they weren't loosening. He watched as I struggled and even hopped around the shack, my naked boobs bouncing a bit. It was about two in the afternoon, and warm. The sun streamed in through the open doorway and window. No one was around, but being tied up out in that field, even inside the confines of the shack, was exhilarating. I was flushed with excitement and pleasure, and just a little sweaty.
Kevin came over to me and took the trailing rope from my wrists. "I think you might get out of that if you try too hard. Let me try something."
He threw the rope up over a rusted metal hook in the wall a couple of feet above my head. When he pulled, my arms went up over my head and I was dragged to the wall. He pulled again and my arms stretched taught, until I was standing on my tip toes. I gasped slightly with the unexpected feeling of having most of my weight pulling on my wrists. Kevin gasped with the sight of my breasts pulled up, ribs extending and visible, as I rose as high as I could to relieve the pressure.
I dangled there as Kevin tied off the rope, my hands feeling like they were swelling from pressure as I pressed down as hard as I could with my toes to support myself. Every breath I took moved my breasts and made the tight flesh of my flat stomach expand and contract. Kevin was watching me intently. I was feeling wet and as aroused as I had ever been before. Being tied and truly helpless was a dream come true to me, and better than I had ever imagined.
"Siobhan, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Hanging there, you look even better. Hotter. I have such a fucking hardon right now..." Kevin was breathing harder, and I could see the bulge in his jeans.
"Well, let's see it then." I said, wriggling a little.
"Let's see that hard cock of yours, if it is so hard," I taunted him, still wriggling to try and find a more comfortable position that was eluding me.
Kevin hesitated a moment but when I gave him a come on, idiot kind of look, unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. It seemed to spring out of the V opened from his zipper, and he was right. It was hard. And big. I stared at it. I was wriggling in the ropes as much from sexual frustration as anything.
"I would touch it for you, but I seem to be tied up," I said.
He moved closer to me, placing his hands on my breasts, sliding his fingers over my nipples, and then running his hands around my back until he was pressed against me. Stretched up on the rope as I was, my head was almost as high as his and he kissed me again, this time pressing himself against me. I could feel his cock driving against my hip as he thrust, moving up and down, dry humping me.
"I want to fuck you more than anything right now." He whispered huskily in my ear as he continued to caress and dry hump me where I hung.
"Well, you aren't going to find a better time," I responded. It was true, too. Not only was I tied up and helpless to resist him, I was hornier than I had ever been, hornier than I believed possible. I had no judgment left, I just wanted fulfillment, sexual fulfillment. My helplessness and inability to take action to fulfill myself made my arousal even sharper.
Kevin reached for my jeans and unbuttoned them, pushing his hand down inside. His fingers reached and strained, pushing down and then pulling on my flesh until they reached the softness of my pussy. When they rubbed my clit for the first time I moaned again, gasping and trying hard to lift myself up and spread my legs, to encourage him deeper. I couldn't; I was hanging from the damned hook and was completely helpless as his fingers rummaged around inside my pants.
He pulled his hand out and used both hands to wriggle my tight jeans down over my hips, hooking his thumbs under my panties and pulling them down as well. They fell to my ankles, and I was hung naked and exposed before him. He pushed closer, his cock pressing against my bare belly, and kissed me again. I felt his cock slide against my flesh, and his ball sack pressed into the triangle of pubic mound.
I think he was going to try and fuck me as I hung there. He pushed several times, rubbing his cock against my stomach and then trying to squeeze between my thighs. I tried to help but I was hanging by my wrists with my ankles tied together. It was impossible, and we were both inexperienced. After humping me and groping me in that position he finally untied the rope and I slipped down to the floor, still bound hand and foot.
He climbed on top of me. I raised my knees and spread them, and even though I was still tied at the ankles I was able to open wider to accept him. He pressed his hips in between my legs, spreading me wider, placing some strain on my ankles where they were tied but I didn't care. His cock slid up one thigh and its head stopped just short, barely tickling the folds of my pussy. He looked at me expectantly as if I might scream and push him off at any moment. Instead, I pushed my hips up toward him.
I was dripping wet, literally. His cock found my pussy by itself and slid in almost effortlessly. When it passed inside me I moaned, loudly; the sensation was more amazing than I had ever imagined. His cock was harder than I thought it would feel, not as hard as a dildo but still really hard. But it had a texture, the feeling of real, live flesh that made me realize a living man had just entered my body. He grunted and then moaned with the sensation as he dipped deeper inside. It pushed all the way inside until I could feel him pressing my cervix.
He pulled most of the way out and I almost came. He pushed in again, harder, and his body pressed against my clit when he was buried all the way inside. He was big, and I wasn't used to it, and it hurt just a bit but I wanted that hurt, I wanted to be taken by him, the pain just sharpened my sensations of pleasure. He pushed several times more and I grunted with him and moaned and panted and then came in a glorious orgasm that rose slowly, warmth covering my hips and breasts and extending outward until my entire body was engulfed in pleasure.
I tried to reach up to pull him down to me, to feel his body resting on my nakedness, but my wrists were still tied. He continued thrusting, over and over, and the sensation of his being inside, having a boy inside, taking me and using me and fucking me, made my orgasm continue in a sort of rolling wave of warmth and pleasure.
Finally, his entire body tensed and he jerked his hips as his climax took hold of him. I could feel his cock harden even more and then spasm as he jerked and ejaculated inside me. He gasped with a low, guttural noise.
And then it was over. He was laying on top of me, still inside, still hard, but no longer moving. I was laying on the wood floor, exhausted and floating. His cock slowly slipped out and I felt liquid dribble down from my vagina onto my ass, and then the floor. He rolled off of me, his breathing returning to normal.
I had splinters in my ass from the old wood floor. A warm wind blew in from outside threw the open door and window, reminding me we were somewhat exposed in this shack, even though no one was typically around.
"I think you better untie me so I can get dressed." I said to him, nudging him.
"Oh. Yes. I am sorry..." He sprung up, shoved his glistening wet cock into his pants and zipped up. He was still bulging as he untied my ankles and wrists. I sat up and flexed, getting blood circulating again.
"Do you have a handkerchief or something?" I said to him, looking at the pool of slimy liquid soaking into the wood floor beneath my ass.
"What?" His eyes followed mine. "OH! Yes, oh my god, I am so sorry. Yes... here..."
I wiped myself, cleaning up before pulling my panties and jeans back up. He sat on the other side of the small room watching me.
"That was amazing, Siobhan. I didn't realize... it was so good. So ... amazing... That was... my first time, you know.... " He was still staring at my naked boobs as I turned to pull on my top.
"Yeah. I know. It was my first time too. I guess we popped each other, huh? Let's hope I don't get pregnant from it. That would be like, really embarrassing."
Kevin turned pale with shock. "Oh. Oh. I totally forgot. Oh, Siobhan, you don't think that will happen do you? God, after all they repeat to you over and over at school, use a condom, use a condom, and here I forgot and it will be all my fault--"
I cut him off. "It's OK Kev. I didn't plan it and neither did you. We both wanted it. I guess it was just our first time. Don't worry. Don't get all freaked out. It isn't the right time of month for me, so it is unlikely."
He calmed a little, and we talked about it some more was we walked back. I could feel more slime make its way down onto my panties as we hiked. I was going to have to do a little laundry at home before my mom got a hold of it.
Kevin and I visited the shack a few more times after that, playing and experimenting and even doing it. He learned to bring a condom with him, and even to tie me up in more interesting ways. I learned a lot about a number of things, including giving a hand job and what it is like to be truly helpless. I didn't get pregnant, thank God, and I made sure I carried condoms from then on, having learned not to trust guys to think ahead.
It all came to a screeching halt one day when his parents caught the two of us kissing in back of my grandma's house. We were quietly separated and watched from then on, never allowed alone with each other unless adults were present.
It didn't matter. Kevin was great for a first time. I wasn't in love with him, and I wanted to move on to bigger and better experiences, which I did.
On the way I shared some of my sexual experiences with him. Yes, I was still a virgin, but had made out with boys and was getting more and more active in self bondage. I actually told him about it. He was amazed.
"That is so fucking hot. You really like being tied up, huh?"
"Yeah. I have no idea why. It turns me on like nothing else. I like the feeling of being helpless. I like the feeling of being restricted. I just wish I had someone that would do it with me because in the back of my mind I always know there is some way I have left myself to get loose, so I am never truly helpless."
"Aren't you afraid of getting trapped? Or of someone finding you that way?"
I laughed. "Oh, yeah. Well, the second time I ever did it I actually did get stuck and Mom and Dad almost came home before I got the ropes cut off. After that I have always made sure I had a way out."
He was quiet for a while, and when we got back to my grandmothers house, he said he had to get back home and took off. It was three weeks before I saw him again.
When we did see each other again, he predictably said he wanted to go for another hike around the hill. I said I wanted to see if the Johnny-Jump-Ups were out and pick some (my favorite wild flower). We headed off around the south side of the hill and when we got to the shack we went in and sat down. He pulled out some weed and we smoked a little. I didn't get high that often back then, and it was nice.

We sat facing each other and he reached out and touched my breasts. This was as far as I had gone with any boy, and I think I did it because I trusted and liked Kevin more than any other guy I had ever made out with. He was fascinated by my boobs, and liked how my nipples hardened as he touched.
"God, Siobhan you are the hottest girl I know," he said thickly. I knew I was good looking, and prided myself on being slim but still having good breasts.
"Thanks, Kev. You are pretty hot as well." I leaned over and kissed him again, deeply, as he caressed my naked flesh.
We broke after a moment, and he stood up suddenly. "I have something. If you want. I mean, I thought you might like to try something. Here."
He went over to the corner of the shed by the window and came back with two long pieces of cotton rope in his hands. He looked really nervous, and just stood in front of me.
"You want to tie me up?" I said with a slightly shocked voice.
"Well, no. I mean, not me. You seemed like, you maybe wanted someone. And you have done a lot for me, like, kissing me and showing me your boobs and stuff. I thought you would like it, but if not..." He turned, embarrassed.

"Sure. Yeah, I think it would be fun. Let's do it!"
I stood. I was still naked from the waist up, but had my jeans and shoes on. He looked at me and his eyes widened as he saw my breasts standing out from my chest. They are perky breasts, if I do say so myself.
We worked out that he would tie my ankles together first, which he did with my help. I showed him a good knot which was secure but could be undone quickly. Then, he tied my wrists in front of me with the longer stretch of rope. I could already feel the pleasure rippling through my body from having someone tie me up; the feeling of helplessness and submission was such an adrenalin rush it was like I was getting high. Kevin seemed to enjoy it as well.
Once I was tied up I struggled a little to get free. With my help Kevin had tied some good knots, and they weren't loosening. He watched as I struggled and even hopped around the shack, my naked boobs bouncing a bit. It was about two in the afternoon, and warm. The sun streamed in through the open doorway and window. No one was around, but being tied up out in that field, even inside the confines of the shack, was exhilarating. I was flushed with excitement and pleasure, and just a little sweaty.
Kevin came over to me and took the trailing rope from my wrists. "I think you might get out of that if you try too hard. Let me try something."
He threw the rope up over a rusted metal hook in the wall a couple of feet above my head. When he pulled, my arms went up over my head and I was dragged to the wall. He pulled again and my arms stretched taught, until I was standing on my tip toes. I gasped slightly with the unexpected feeling of having most of my weight pulling on my wrists. Kevin gasped with the sight of my breasts pulled up, ribs extending and visible, as I rose as high as I could to relieve the pressure.
I dangled there as Kevin tied off the rope, my hands feeling like they were swelling from pressure as I pressed down as hard as I could with my toes to support myself. Every breath I took moved my breasts and made the tight flesh of my flat stomach expand and contract. Kevin was watching me intently. I was feeling wet and as aroused as I had ever been before. Being tied and truly helpless was a dream come true to me, and better than I had ever imagined.
"Siobhan, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Hanging there, you look even better. Hotter. I have such a fucking hardon right now..." Kevin was breathing harder, and I could see the bulge in his jeans.
"Well, let's see it then." I said, wriggling a little.
"Let's see that hard cock of yours, if it is so hard," I taunted him, still wriggling to try and find a more comfortable position that was eluding me.
Kevin hesitated a moment but when I gave him a come on, idiot kind of look, unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. It seemed to spring out of the V opened from his zipper, and he was right. It was hard. And big. I stared at it. I was wriggling in the ropes as much from sexual frustration as anything.
"I would touch it for you, but I seem to be tied up," I said.
He moved closer to me, placing his hands on my breasts, sliding his fingers over my nipples, and then running his hands around my back until he was pressed against me. Stretched up on the rope as I was, my head was almost as high as his and he kissed me again, this time pressing himself against me. I could feel his cock driving against my hip as he thrust, moving up and down, dry humping me.
"I want to fuck you more than anything right now." He whispered huskily in my ear as he continued to caress and dry hump me where I hung.
"Well, you aren't going to find a better time," I responded. It was true, too. Not only was I tied up and helpless to resist him, I was hornier than I had ever been, hornier than I believed possible. I had no judgment left, I just wanted fulfillment, sexual fulfillment. My helplessness and inability to take action to fulfill myself made my arousal even sharper.

He pulled his hand out and used both hands to wriggle my tight jeans down over my hips, hooking his thumbs under my panties and pulling them down as well. They fell to my ankles, and I was hung naked and exposed before him. He pushed closer, his cock pressing against my bare belly, and kissed me again. I felt his cock slide against my flesh, and his ball sack pressed into the triangle of pubic mound.
I think he was going to try and fuck me as I hung there. He pushed several times, rubbing his cock against my stomach and then trying to squeeze between my thighs. I tried to help but I was hanging by my wrists with my ankles tied together. It was impossible, and we were both inexperienced. After humping me and groping me in that position he finally untied the rope and I slipped down to the floor, still bound hand and foot.

I was dripping wet, literally. His cock found my pussy by itself and slid in almost effortlessly. When it passed inside me I moaned, loudly; the sensation was more amazing than I had ever imagined. His cock was harder than I thought it would feel, not as hard as a dildo but still really hard. But it had a texture, the feeling of real, live flesh that made me realize a living man had just entered my body. He grunted and then moaned with the sensation as he dipped deeper inside. It pushed all the way inside until I could feel him pressing my cervix.
He pulled most of the way out and I almost came. He pushed in again, harder, and his body pressed against my clit when he was buried all the way inside. He was big, and I wasn't used to it, and it hurt just a bit but I wanted that hurt, I wanted to be taken by him, the pain just sharpened my sensations of pleasure. He pushed several times more and I grunted with him and moaned and panted and then came in a glorious orgasm that rose slowly, warmth covering my hips and breasts and extending outward until my entire body was engulfed in pleasure.

Finally, his entire body tensed and he jerked his hips as his climax took hold of him. I could feel his cock harden even more and then spasm as he jerked and ejaculated inside me. He gasped with a low, guttural noise.
And then it was over. He was laying on top of me, still inside, still hard, but no longer moving. I was laying on the wood floor, exhausted and floating. His cock slowly slipped out and I felt liquid dribble down from my vagina onto my ass, and then the floor. He rolled off of me, his breathing returning to normal.
I had splinters in my ass from the old wood floor. A warm wind blew in from outside threw the open door and window, reminding me we were somewhat exposed in this shack, even though no one was typically around.
"I think you better untie me so I can get dressed." I said to him, nudging him.
"Oh. Yes. I am sorry..." He sprung up, shoved his glistening wet cock into his pants and zipped up. He was still bulging as he untied my ankles and wrists. I sat up and flexed, getting blood circulating again.
"Do you have a handkerchief or something?" I said to him, looking at the pool of slimy liquid soaking into the wood floor beneath my ass.
"What?" His eyes followed mine. "OH! Yes, oh my god, I am so sorry. Yes... here..."

"That was amazing, Siobhan. I didn't realize... it was so good. So ... amazing... That was... my first time, you know.... " He was still staring at my naked boobs as I turned to pull on my top.
"Yeah. I know. It was my first time too. I guess we popped each other, huh? Let's hope I don't get pregnant from it. That would be like, really embarrassing."
Kevin turned pale with shock. "Oh. Oh. I totally forgot. Oh, Siobhan, you don't think that will happen do you? God, after all they repeat to you over and over at school, use a condom, use a condom, and here I forgot and it will be all my fault--"
I cut him off. "It's OK Kev. I didn't plan it and neither did you. We both wanted it. I guess it was just our first time. Don't worry. Don't get all freaked out. It isn't the right time of month for me, so it is unlikely."
He calmed a little, and we talked about it some more was we walked back. I could feel more slime make its way down onto my panties as we hiked. I was going to have to do a little laundry at home before my mom got a hold of it.
Kevin and I visited the shack a few more times after that, playing and experimenting and even doing it. He learned to bring a condom with him, and even to tie me up in more interesting ways. I learned a lot about a number of things, including giving a hand job and what it is like to be truly helpless. I didn't get pregnant, thank God, and I made sure I carried condoms from then on, having learned not to trust guys to think ahead.
It all came to a screeching halt one day when his parents caught the two of us kissing in back of my grandma's house. We were quietly separated and watched from then on, never allowed alone with each other unless adults were present.
It didn't matter. Kevin was great for a first time. I wasn't in love with him, and I wanted to move on to bigger and better experiences, which I did.
Super, SUPER hot story about your first time. You write very well :)