I appear to have acquired a submissive. A young lady named Ashley. How we fell in with each other is a long story, and one that seems most unlikely and rather surprising even to me. But she and I seem to be hitting it off.
Ash is quite a bit younger than I, but is mature for her age (I am mid-30s and she is early 20s). She's thin, supple, small breasts, cute, strong, and very submissive. Well, with me at least. We fell in together because of a common interest in bdsm and the culture/community. As things progressed, she proposed a scene for us. I was hesitant with this because I am... well, a submissive myself.
But I've been a domme, especially when younger. Always with men though. I really don't get off on tying someone else up or tormenting them, not the way I enjoy it for myself. But with her it seemed to be a need to be in a relationship, one that involved her submitting and being sexually humiliated and dominated, but still a caring relationship.
Let me tell you, that is not easy. It is possible, but finding the right girl to do that is not easy. Heck, it is hard to find the right girl at all, you know? Relationships don't come easy, especially lesbian ones.
So we gave it a try. And it worked out. She was very pleased, and the fact she was pleased made me happy, and that was enough. We have continued to arrange sessions and have played together quite enjoyably.
While I've talked about my bisexuality some on here, it was some time ago and was focused primarily on my early years exploring bondage and how some of my early attempts to involve others occurred with girls. I am bisexual. I actually find relationships with women more fulfilling emotionally than those with men; it's just that the kind of strict and extreme bdsm I crave typically requires men. Very few women are good tops in the way I need it.

When I submit to a man, I tend to get tied up in extremely uncomfortable positions, and abused in ways that create pain, psychological torment and long term discomfort, not to mention humiliation and frustration. It can get quite intense. The pain and discomfort are a means to emphasize my helplessness in bondage, as well as get adrenaline and endorphins flowing inside me. It can be a mind blowing trip.
With Ashley, it is more a relationship thing, where she willingly submits to activities, mild discomfort or embarrassment, all to please me. The mental dynamics are very different, even though many of the outer mechanics might seem similar.
An example of our relationship and how things have evolved.
We went out to Denny's recently. We both wore jeans. I was wearing a black band t-shirt, she had on a knit polo shirt (very preppy). We requested a booth and I sat on the same side as she; a little unusual and very romantic.
The waitress came over and asked if we wanted drinks. And if we were ready to order.
"We will order in just a moment. We need to decide, first. Almost there," I assured her.
The waitress left and the time came. Ashley did not know I was going to do any of this.
From my bag I pulled out two nipple clamps. Smaller clover clamps that had good springs and a bit of a bite to them. I am knowledgeable about clamps (having worn virtually every type hundreds of times), so I knew these would hurt but be bearable, especially after first application.
"I'd like you to put these on," I said to her, handing the clamps over.
She looked at me with big eyes, but obeyed. This is what I absolutely love about her. She may not like what I ask of her, but she obeys without questioning. If she were to say "I would rather not," or "no, please, Siobhan," I would withdraw the request. But she doesn't. She obeys.
She slid her right hand under her top from the waist, reaching up until it could cup her left breast. An awkward maneuver and one that was fairly visible to anyone that was looking over at the time. Her right hand went in from the top with the clamp.
Her fingers pulled and stretched her nipple out to prep it. Once the nipple was somewhat extended, she slipped on the clamp and let it close.
A sharp intake of breath announced the pain hitting; it wasn't bad but that first pinch always takes one by surprise. She grimaced slightly then withdrew her right hand under the blouse. Her left hand went in from below now, heading to her right breast, lifting and stretching her nipple, right hand going in from the top with the clamp which she slid onto the sensitive small nub of flesh, and once again releasing the clamp onto her nipple.
The tiny whimper she let out was a delight. It represented her obedience to me. I leaned over, kissed her cheek and told her so.
"I am proud to be seen with you, Ash. I love it when you suffer for me. It turns me on so much."
Ashley smiled and kissed me back. The pain in her nipples was subsiding but I knew it would nag her for the rest of the brunch.
The waitress came back up. Her eyes flicked over us, resting briefly on Ashley's chest. The knit top she was wearing wasn't tight, but the outline of the clamps could be seen. Ashley shifted in her seat and leaned forward a bit to try and hide them, though it helped only a little. It was clear something odd was going on around her nipples, and those who had the knowledge would identify it as clamps.
The waitress didn't miss a beat but simply asked what we'd like.
"I want breakfast, two eggs over easy, hash browns, fruit on the side, and an english muffin for bread," I said. "And an orange juice."
Ashley hesitated to order. Mostly because my right hand was burred between her legs and was massaging her jeans, right over her clit. It was distracting. She finally got it out.
"O... Oatmeal, please. And.. orange juice..."
The waitress nodded, eyes a bit wider than normal, and left.
Ashley's legs had spread for me and my fingers.
"Good girl," I said to her in a low voice. "Now, you reach inside and keep it going."
"What?" she said, looking at me with surprise. She wasn't disobeying, but was surprised and wanted to make sure I was actually telling her to do that.
"Yes, unbutton the top button, get your fingers inside there, and do it."
"Keep going. I want you to cum."
Ashley pursed her lips and continued rubbing.
I knew she was also continuing to experience pain because of the nipple clamps. Not a lot, but enough to make it harder to have an orgasm.
Then again I know in my case, the extra stimulation, the pain of having my nipples squeezed and clamped actually helps me climax. Maybe the nipple pain would help her.
I reached over and flicked her right nipple clamp from outside the shirt. She moaned.
"That hurts." she said, controlling her voice. She was hurting and was working on getting an orgasm going at the same time.
"Yes, I know." I answered.
She slid her ass down a bit further in her seat. "Someone is going to see!" she said. She wasn't looking around, though. She was looking at the booth in front of her, eyes unfocused. Her fingers were working faster. One foot went up and pushed against the booth seat across from her.

"Nooooo...." she said, but it was in a whisper and sounded more like a moan. Her hand was moving harder, faster.
I flicked her left nipple clamp, this time it had no effect on her. She was getting close.
That's when the waitress showed up with our food.
"OK... and here we have an oatmeal..."
"Right here," I said, pointing in front of Ashley. She had stopped rubbing, at least obviously. Her hand was still under the table, though, and she was slumped in the seat.
I got my food and as soon as the waitress left I took Ashley's hand out of her pants, and slid mine in.
"You eat. Let me." I said.
"Oh...." she sighed, sort of half out of it. She picked up a spoon and tried to eat.
She was really wet. It was easy to slip one finger inside her and use another to rub her clit. I played with it for a while then began rubbing for real.
Once I began for real her spoon no longer transported food to her mouth. She just sat there, staring at her oatmeal, trying her best not to make noise. My hand didn't move much, trapped by the denim of her jeans, but my fingers were rapidly rubbing, one finger sliding in and out of her about an inch.
Her thighs squeezed my hand a couple of times, in and out; this was a sign she was getting close. The businessman in the booth across the way was staring now, making no pretense that he wasn't observing. I leaned over and nuzzled Ashley, and that apparently pushed her over the edge.

Her body relaxed a bit and I slowed my movements, bringing the intense stimulation to an end.
Pulling my hand from her pants I licked them while staring at the businessman down the aisle. He gaped, completely taken aback. I thought I might have seen his erection forming, but he turned away.
"Can I take off the clamps, Siobhan?" she said.
"No. Leave them on for now. Let's finish. You've been an excellent girl, I am proud of you."
I kissed her on the lips and we went back to eating.
Later, getting into the car, she asked to remove the clamps again. "Please, Siobhan, they are really hurting. Can we please take them off?"
"Try to keep them on for a bit longer, dear. You are always more beautiful when suffering."
She was quiet on the way home, probably dealing with the deep ache that was her nipples, spreading into her breasts.
Once inside the house I gave her directions.
"Go to the bedroom and undress. Once you are naked, present yourself to me."
She nodded and did what she was told. Damn, I love an obedient submissive.
When she was completely naked she came out and knelt in front of me where I sat, her head down, hands on her knees.

She raised her head and thrust out her chest slightly. The clamps hung from the poor, smashed nipples.
I reached out and carefully removed the one on her left nipple.
She cried out, grimacing and wincing, raising her shoulder and arm as if to protect herself, though the pain was actually from the clamp removal. I waited for her to recover from the pain.
I slowly removed the right clamp. Once again, Ashley cried out, whimpered and winced. It hurt like hell to take those clamps off after so long, I knew.
"Let me rub them," I offered and reached out, rubbing the sensitive nipples carefully., The process did help her feel a bit better, getting the blood moving.
Raising her face to look at me, I smiled and said, "good girl. I am proud of you, you took that so well. What are you to me?"
"I'm your little slut," she said happily.

So now I have a problem. The name of this blog. If I keep on as the dominant, I can't call it Slave Bride, can I? Unless I marry the girl and make her my Slave Bride.
Actually, I don't think I am going to have that problem. I am going to see Jason tomorrow night, and it is looking to be fun, in a rather uncomfortable way.