This pony farm was special; it was for human ponies. During my two weeks there I lived in a barn, in a stall, worked in the fields and practiced various exercises. I wore a tail and my feeding and bowels were strictly regulated. The stable housed a number of other human ponies, both male and female. Rules and training were strict with punishment severe (I was whipped once, and saw several others whipped while there). No human speech was allowed at any time. During my time there I was, essentially, an animal.
In spite of all these restrictions and difficulties it was one of the most wonderful times in my life. Being a pony girl was a delight; showing off, being trained and succeeding at my training, learning obedience and being dominated absolutely, working hard, and living and being cared for as a valuable pet was an amazing experience. I felt demeaned, sexy, sensual, successful, cared for, and loved while I was there.

Basically, I acquired a real affection for Kerry. It was painful to leave her.
It was a complete surprise when I met Kerry some time after my experience at the pony farm. She was unrecognizable to me at first, dressed in a professional suit with makeup, drinking tea and having a scone. There was something distinctly familiar though, and I stared at her trying to remember who she was. I guess my stares aroused her interest because she looked over at me and immediately recognized me.
"Siobhan! Don't you recognize me? It's Kerry!" It was literally the first time I had heard her speak. At the pony farm the ponies are not allowed to speak.
I gasped, and immediately went over and gave her a hug. We sat down together, and feelings I had forgotten suddenly flowed over me. This was the woman that had made so much of my time at the farm a delight, with whom I had shared a lot of hard work as well as snuggles and... well.... lesbian sex. I still remembered her tail sliding against my pussy as I spooned her from behind the first night we were together.
We talked and shared and, well... it was as if I had met my soul mate. In fact, I had met my soul mate. She was everything I could desire in a woman. Educated, funny, beautiful, athletic, and... kinky. Very kinky. I have had bisexual tendencies since I was a teenager. In fact, many of my initial experiences with bondage and sexuality were with other girls. My attraction for Kerry was clear and complete.
The second time seeing her was as good as the first. Being able to talk and share inspired me, and tapped into a lesbian side of myself that I knew was there, but hadn't felt this strongly in years. We touched hands, laughed, and when it was time to go we touched a lot, and not just our hands. Our goodbye kiss was deep and long, as before. My heart ached when she finally got into her car (it was a new black BMW).
That night at home with Jason I was quiet and thoughtful. I wasn't as attentive as I should have been, and Jason disciplined me more than once, and finally threatened to make me sleep chained in the basement. That made me feel very bad for it meant I failed him and I absolutely hate myself when I don't satisfy him. I think I cried just a tiny bit at that point, and begged forgiveness, but Jason could tell something was wrong.
He held me then and I felt like his little girl, and he asked "Siobhan, tell me what's wrong? I can tell something is bothering you."
I confessed then. About my feelings for Kerry, my lesbian desire and tendencies, and how my passions were aroused by her during our two visits. I even told him about our kissing.
Needless to say, Jason wasn't happy. "Siobhan, I understand this about you. I've known how you like women since we first were together. We've had play time with Erin and Diane, and I've allowed you to indulge. I have been open to accommodating you. But that was all with my knowledge and permission. Here you admit to having a rendezvous with a woman and kissing her, being romantic with her? Without my permission and knowledge?"
I was a little taken aback at first but immediately saw how I had erred. I knelt before Jason, bowing my head, and said nothing.
"Siobhan, you have forgotten that you are not your own. You belong to me, you are my property. I give you freedom but not to do things like this. I do understand your desires and feelings and how they can carry you away, but you must be reminded that you simply are not your own. You have essentially cheated on me with another person. You don't get to make decisions like that. I understand your bisexual tendencies and empathize, but I am afraid I can not tolerate cheating and will have to punish you for this indiscretion."
"Please, Jason, I am so sorry. I understand now how I failed, it was a momentary lapse, it won't happen again." I had lowered myself so my head was on the floor at his feet in an ultimate display of submission.
"I understand. Let me think about this. For now, we shall go downstairs. You sleep in chains tonight."

I cried as he led me downstairs into the basement. The concrete floor down there is hard, cold, and unforgiving to sleep on, and the chains Jason uses are short and don't allow much movement. I removed my clothes, which he took with him when he left, but not before he attached shackles to my ankles, wrists and neck. Shackles always leave me feeling strange (both aroused and fearful); they are so hard and permanent. He trudged upstairs and turned off the light, plunging me into darkness. I would spend the night there, shivering in the cold, unable to relieve myself or sleep during the night. The next day at work would be tough.
Remarkably I did sleep that night. The next day, early, Jason came down and unshackled me.
"Please sir, may I relieve myself?"
"Yes, of course." Jason nodded. I ran, literally ran upstairs to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and peed. The relief was tremendous. I then stretched and relieved my arms and legs from the cramps they had acquired sleeping on concrete, and got dressed for work. It was a rough day. I snapped at a few of the engineers that work for me, and ended up leaving early before I caused more problems.
That night I made a special dinner for Jason. He was appreciative, and we sat at the dinner table and ate together. I was clothed, as he had recently been allowing me to dress in the evenings. It was with pride that I wore sexy outfits around my husband and master. It was a privilege for a slave such as I to wear clothes and I understood this. I was a pet, nothing more than an owned animal, and if he wanted me naked he had a perfect right. For this reason I always loved putting on the best, sexiest, most sensual clothes I had for him. It made me feel special and privileged.
When dinner was over and I had cleaned up, I presented myself to Jason once again, on my knees before him in the living room. He was watching TV, some sort of home remodeling program. I remained kneeling at to his side as he watched, awaiting his pleasure.
When the program was over Jason turned to me and ordered me to remove my clothes. I stripped, folding my dress and underwear neatly, and knelt before him again.
"Siobhan, no more clothes for now. I expect you to remain naked in the house at all times."
"Yes, sir." I bowed my head and hid a tear that trickled down my cheek. I had lost the privilege of dressing.
That night we had sex in bed, Jason taking me roughly from behind as he does at times when he is a little upset. He usually has me on my hands and knees, grabs my hips for leverage, and thrusts away as hard as he can. I was sore but it felt so good to snuggle up next to him afterward, and the way he kissed the top of my head made me feel warm, knowing he still loved me.
The real punishment came that weekend.
Saturday morning the doorbell rang at about 11 AM. Jason answered it (I was naked, per his instructions). He admitted someone to the house and I heard the door close behind them. I wondered what visitor we had that he would allow to enter while I was naked (though wearing a simple leather harness). When he entered the family room I saw.
It was Kerry.
She was dressed in a very plain one piece dress, with no shoes. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. Her head hung as if in shame. I wanted to go to her and comfort her and ask if all was well but knew better than that. Jason led her into the center of the room and instructed Kerry to raise her arms. She did, and Jason pulled her dress up and over her head. She wore nothing except for that simple dress, so in that moment she was completely naked.
"Siobhan, Kerry. You have both betrayed your masters. I have spoken with your owner, Kerry, and he agrees that the two of you should be punished together. We understand the desire you have, but ultimate control of your bodies and affections lies with us." Jason motioned to me and I followed him as he led Kerry and myself down the steps to the basement.
I was excited to see Kerry again, but afraid of the punishment. I was truly afraid to see Kerry punished; I did not want to see her suffer for my indiscretion, but it was too late.

Jason left for a moment and returned with some muzzles I recognized. He applied one to my face, first. The muzzle was like a panel gag, but had a short protrusion on the inside, like a stubby penis. It wasn't long enough to gag on, but did fill my mouth well and kept my jaws wide apart. On the outside of the panel was a longer rubber dildo that extended outward from my face and sagged slightly. I had always been embarrassed when forced to wear this gag; the imitation male member extending from my face just felt humiliating and ugly. The gag was strapped on my head with a harness buckled behind my head, and over the top and sides to hold the panel firmly in place. The straps in the front split in front of my eyes, slightly obscuring my vision though it was not intended as a blindfold.

"Now then," Jason stepped back from the two of us helplessly tied and gagged before him. "Since you appear to have the hots for each other, fuck. Fuck each other. Do it well. Do it hard. Go ahead, start."
I think my entire body flushed at that point, embarrassment flooding me. Kerry's beautiful pink pussy was just below me, my arms tied to her slightly parted legs, my breasts pressed against her hips. I did as I was told and began nudging the dildo against the outer lips of her pussy, spreading the flesh and rubbing it up and down to work its way in.. Moments later I felt Kerry doing the same to me, the soft rubber of her own dildo pushing gently against my sex.
The humiliation of what was going on triggered something in me. I am not only a bondage and pain slut, but a true submissive. The embarrassment I felt turned my flush into a heat of arousal. I wanted to be fucked by Kerry's dildo, and be forced to fuck her as well. My body lubed itself rapidly at this point and I felt the rubber dong sticking out of Kerry's face slide deeper inside me.
"Get in there, Siobhan. Kerry is inside, you need to be too. Fuck her with your face, do it!"
I pushed harder, not wanting to hurt Kerry but knowing that if I wasn't aggressive... yes, there it was. A stinging, nasty stroke on my ass from a riding crop. I grunted and pushed harder, in turn making Kerry grunt as my face-phallus forced her lips apart and pushed deeper into her body.
My hips began to move in rhythm, and Kerry thrust hers up to meet me, as well.
Tied securely, gagged, and forced to fuck another woman, especially I loved-- these were a fantastic combination for me. Being tied up always arouses me, gags are seldom comfortable but to be honest, I am a pain slut. And now... having Kerry under me, tied to her, our bodies writhing in place. Wow. I could feel an orgasm brewing rapidly.

We lay exhausted on the table, the dildos inside each other but no longer moving. Jason moved in front of me. I could see his cock was out and was still dripping slightly. He had apparently masturbated and cum while watching Kerry and I fuck each other. It made me happy.
"Very good. I am going to have lunch and a beer, and will return later." With that, Jason left Kerry and I tied together, faces pressed against each other's sex, dildos inside. I rested, and then rolled to the side so the weight of my body wasn't on hers, for her comfort. She snuggled her face into my cunt briefly in a sort of affectionate way, and I did the same. It was almost as if we were snuggling in bed, kissing. Except of course we were facing opposite directions, faces buried in each other's cunts, tied so we couldn't really move.
We rested, but after a while I wriggled a little, and rubbed my body against Kerry. She felt so good to have close, in a sexual way, but also in a rather emotional way. Yes, we were being punished and this wasn't a natural position but it was still good to feel her naked flesh on mine.
Kerry responded to the wriggling with her own hip movements and before long we were fucking each other again, the wetness of our pussies making it easy. I hadn't felt this close to someone in ages and the emotional feeling of being with Kerry, mixed with the natural arousal from being in bondage and forced to submit in this way, made me so horny I couldn't stop and didn't want her to, either.
Finally Jason came downstairs and we stopped our mutual writhing, wondering what he had in store for us.
Jason removed the gag harnesses from our faces and untied us from each other. Kerry remained laying on the floor, her beautiful body in full view, still tied and unable to move. Jason tied my wrists together and then raised the rope through a pulley directly above my head so my arms were stretched tightly and I stood on tip-toe. I was used to this position, and while it is increasingly uncomfortable the longer one dangles, I became nervous because I knew being strung up like this was never the end of it. There was always something worse coming along.
Jason knelt before me and began placing clamps, similar to clothes pins, along the soft white flesh of Kerry's stomach. Each clamp pinched her skin and was uncomfortable, but she didn't cry out. The disturbing part of the procedure was revealed when I saw the clamps were joined by a thin cord. Jason was creating a zipper, a torture technique where a series of clamps are applied and then can be ripped off all at once, causing sudden, excruciating pain. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized this would be the first real pain of the day; and I would be watching.
The rope from Kerry's zipper was raised up and through another pulley above and dangled before me.
"Raise your leg, Siobhan," Jason ordered. I obeyed, not realizing what was happening. He grabbed my leg and lifted it up almost straight out in front of me. Holding it up he tied the end of the cord to my ankle.
Now, if I dropped my leg, I would be pulling the zipper from Kerry, triggering the pain.
Jason let go and I held my leg up, not letting it drop and pull on the rope. It was really, really hard. You try holding your leg up straight in front for any period of time, and you will see. My left foot was on tip-toe beneath me and my right held out in front. Most of my weight was on the rope that help my wrists above me, stretching my arm muscles out painfully. Almost immediately I was shaking from exertion, sweat trickling down my body. It was horrible.
"Two minutes, Siobhan. I will until the cord in two minutes."
If I could hold out two minutes I could stop myself from ripping off the clamp zipper from Kerry's body, but I could already feel my muscles giving out, shaking from the strain. My leg dipped slightly and pulled on the first clamp, stretching Kerry's skin. I raised my leg up again, straining hard.
I whimpered. It was too much. I tried. I didn't want to be responsible for torturing Kerry. But I wasn't going to be able to hold my leg up. I have no idea how long I made it, but with a grunt my leg suddenly collapsed down, the cord was pulled taught, and the clamps were ripped off Kerry in one smooth motion. She screamed, and it was the most terrible thing to hear.
Jason placed the clamps back on her body, this time on the other side. There must have been 20 or 30 of them, and while I knew they hurt going on, they hurt 10 times worse getting jerked off all at once. The rope went back onto my ankle, and once again I tried to keep it raised. I kept it raised for as long as I could; sweat poured down and my muscles were shaking when I finally dropped my leg and it ripped the clamp zipper from Kerry's flesh. Her yelp hurt my ears, and she rolled over, doubling in pain this time.
I didn't like this game but the next one was worse.

Then Jason added a little enhancement to our bondage -- he attached wires to my nipples with conductive clamps. The wires were connected to a small but powerful electric box. Another wire with a microphone extending from the box was attached to a small collar which he placed on Kerry. A similar harness was attached to Kerry, with the microphone collar attached to my own neck.

Jason left the basement and as soon as I found we were alone and without gags, I spoke in a low tone to Kerry. "Oh, my dear Kerry, I am so sorry to have gotten you--"
Kerry jerked suddenly, her muscles tensing and her head jerking back. She cried out in pain. When she cried out, I suddenly felt a piercing, hot pain shoot through both nipples and breasts. "Aaagghh~ oh god!" I cried out, almost screaming in pain.
My scream set off the sensor in Kerry's shock box once again, and she shook from the pain, gurgling in an attempt to stay quiet in spite of the agony. As a result I only got a very brief, though painful shock, and I merely grunted slightly.
The shocks had stopped. We had learned; don't talk, and if you do get shocked, don't cry out. I was crying slightly, tears running down my cheeks, but I managed to stay quiet. I could feel Kerry shaking a little, as well. She had born the brunt of the shocks, and I felt terrible about it. But I knew I couldn't apologize. That was how the cycle of shocks and pain had started, after all.
The door to the basement slammed as Jason returned, setting off the shocks for just a moment. We both jerked simultaneously, and then settled as the pain subsided.

Jason pushed the vibrator between my legs, pressing hard. It pushed against my pussy, and while it didn't reach my clit, the secondary vibrations through my flesh stimulated me. I opened my mouth into a wide "OH", and stopped myself just in time. I couldn't make any noise.
Jason knew just how to get me going, where to touch and push, how to manipulate the vibrator and my naked flesh. It was all I could do to stifle my whimpering. I clenched my fists as my arousal built, refusing to let out one peep. Kerry would not be shocked again because of me. The orgasm was slow in coming; I had already cum twice that day but I am totally multi-orgasmic and frankly, it is easier for me to orgasm while tied tightly. My hips thrust slightly against the vibration and I shuddered, clenching my jaw to keep from crying out from the waves of pleasure.
When it was over Jason turned the vibrator off and stood. I gasped with relief, and I felt Kerry tense slightly. I couldn't tell whether she had received a small shock or if the sound I made frightened her.
Slowly, Jason slid his hands over my body and breasts, feeling my heaving chest as my breathing slowed from the recent climax. He then moved around to Kerry. The sound of the vibrator resumed, and I could tell from the way her body tensed and pressed back against mine, she was being stimulated in the same way as I had been. I tensed, hoping she would be able to hold back from making a noise, but not counting on it.
This was true torture, waiting, not knowing if the shock would come, dreading it, feeling Kerry behind me breathing heavier and heavier as her own orgasm approached. Finally, she let out a whimper; I tensed expecting the jolt in my nipples. Nothing happened; it had not been loud enough. I relaxed just in time for her to make a slight gagging noise and my nipples exploded in white hot slicing pain that seemed to fill my breasts like acid milk.
Yeah, I yelped. It was so unexpected I yelped and that hit Kerry with a shock. Interesting thing was, the shock appeared to coincide with her orgasm, and didn't stop it. Kerry, it turns out, is a bit of a pain slut. The pain wasn't exactly fun for her, but in the right circumstances it enhanced sensations and sent her over the edge, emotionally and sexually. She shook and twitched behind me as she climaxed, but she didn't make any more noise. I was grateful.
When it was over, Jason left us wired up and tied to the post, and left the basement. We simply stood, tied to each other, back to back, unable to talk or share. Somehow, the feeling of Kerry's naked warm flesh against mine was a comfort, even in this uncomfortable and painful situation.
That evening Jason came downstairs and unstrapped the clamps and electrodes from our nipples. I find it amazing how the pain of a nipple clamp when first applied seems to fade nothing or a dull ache, but when it is removed the pain returns in a rush, worse than ever. I gasped, and I heard Kerry cry out when she was unhooked from the electrostim device.

Jason released us from our bondage tied to each other back to back, and turned us to face each other. He then produced a new toy I had never seen before. It was a ball gag. He put it on me, strapping it tightly in place. But the gag had two sets of straps; he guided Kerry's face close to mine and forced her mouth over the same gag, using the second set of straps to close her mouth around the same gag that was in my own mouth. The result? A forced kiss. A gagged kiss. Our lips touched, pressed, but the gag was firmly in my mouth. Our faces were at an angle. It was the oddest sensation.

Late that evening the dual strap gag was removed and Jason secured us for the evening while he went to bed. We lay on the concrete floor, naked, a bowl of food and water left out for us.

When we tired we lay in each other's arms once again, and talked. Kerry told me of her life with her own master (his name is Rob, and seems to be a somewhat harsher owner than my own Jason), and her long periods as a human pony. Her owner is wealthy and they traveled frequently, sometimes visiting exotic resorts, and sometimes spending time in remote enclaves where women were treated as slaves in large compounds. I had never heard of this, but then, Jason and I were not wealthy. Our combined incomes make us well off and we have plenty of money to satisfy our needs and wants, but we can't afford the kind of travel and luxury that Rob and Kerry are used to experiencing.
We feel asleep once again and slept well in each other's arms until noise from upstairs woke us. Jason had greeted a guest and they sounded like they were about to come into the basement.

"Greetings, slaves." Rob's stern voice barked out and I felt a chill run through my body. "Jason informs me you both have been punished for the last 24 hours, but I would like to assure myself that both of you receive the kind of punishment I would deliver. Jason's methods are... more subtle than mine."
At this Jason took me and Rob took Kerry, unchaining us. My eyes focused on the floor, unable to look at Jason. I was scared, but trusted him.
Jason led me to a wooden rail on the side of the room and bent me over it. The rail dug into my stomach as Jason pulled my arms down and strapped them to rings on the other side. Rob was doing the same with Kerry, just a couple of feet away from me.
My ankles were tied apart, settling my stomach even harder into the rail. I was stuck in the position, bent over with my ass and cunt exposed. One of two things was going to happen; I had little doubt I was in for one nasty spanking or ass whipping. Whether it was followed by a serious fucking, I didn't know. I supposed it didn't matter. It was up to Jason. There was nothing I could do now anyway, tied and unable to move.
From the corner of my eye I could see Kerry in the same position, her beautiful breasts dangling down as she waited.

Twenty strokes. Unless you have been caned you have no idea how much that hurts. It turns from a stinging into a burning, spreading deeper and wider than the actual area where the cane leaves its mark. My entire ass felt like it was on fire. I couldn't see it but was absolutely certain I was covered with angry red welts.
I was untied and saw Rob untying Kerry. Her ass looked horrible, and her beautiful face was streaked with tears. She looked at the floor, unable or unwilling to look at me or her owner. She stood crying, waiting for directions.
"Go upstairs and get dressed girls. The punishment is over. I think you have learned your lesson." Rob sounded a little kinder now, but I still was glad I was owned by Jason. I had chosen Jason and given myself to him, and never regretted that decision.
Later in the day Jason and I said goodbye to Kerry and Rob. Kerry was recovered and once dressed, she appeared an amazing, composed, sexy professional woman. No one would know she had spent the weekend being tortured in a dungeon basement.
That evening I lay in Jason's arms, quietly enjoying being with him. "Jason, thank you."
"For what, my love?"
"For what you did for Kerry and I. I know you punished us, but you also gave us a wonderful gift of time and intimacy together. I know you. I know that was intentional."
Jason smiled. "Yeah... you really did deserve to be punished, but I figured Rob would take care of that. I'm mostly a softy and really do understand your feelings for Kerry. Maybe we can get together with them sometime."
The thought thrilled me. I snuggled closer to my man, my husband, my owner and master, and began to doze off, completely at peace.